This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Should you happen to google 'sexy web design', the first link leads to a site where the front page image includes a picture of Akio's Corvette.
The relationship between the creepy teacher and Nina Sayers in Black Swan reminds me of Akio and Utena's. Both act like a father figure and basically groom their "little princesses." (shudders)
Giovanna wrote:
Should you happen to google 'sexy web design', the first link leads to a site where the front page image includes a picture of Akio's Corvette.
Holy cow, you're right!
This song Makes me think about Utena :p
"Kill the Lights" by The Birthday Massacre. I'm going to HAVE to make a music video of it one day, because it's pretty much lyric for lyric evokes a scene from the show.
I was googling a home remedy for skin scars when the site suggested "Rose hips oil". The first thing in my mind after reading that was ep. 32.
teyhy wrote:
I was googling a home remedy for skin scars when the site suggested "Rose hips oil". The first thing in my mind after reading that was ep. 32.
You should seriously try rose hip tea. I'm not that big of a tea person most of the time, but it is AWESOME. Especially iced and with a little sugar(I'm such a Southerner).
Rose hip tea is awesome. I think everyone figures it's gonna taste like rose, but that's only a very faint note in the back. It's got this lemony tart taste that's awesome in a tea. I go for honey myself.
I just noticed my girlfriend has underwear the exact colour of Kozue`s hair, this might not seem too exciting but at 2:00 in the morning it blew my brain
Uploaded with
I'm reminded of SKU when I do stuff like this.
In general, pretty much every Evanescence song makes me think of a Utena character. I want to make videos of all of them someday :3
Everybody's Fool - Utena (spoken of from Anthy's unhappy point of view... mostly because she knows that Utena's prince-façade IS in fact a façade, and from her line "You could never be my prince anyway - you're a girl." Perhaps not her exact words, but you get the general idea.)
Sweet Sacrifice - Shiori, probably, since the song has such a sarcastic tone in some lines, and Shiori can be pretty cruel. She'd most likely be referring to Juri here... [Could also apply to Nanami -> Keiko, because Nanami kind of... hates Keiko for a good bit.]
Bring Me to Life - Anthy of course. Reasons are obvious.
Weight of the World - Juri, most likely to Ruka. Even though she, in fact, IS held down by who she used to be (by Shiori, of course).
My Immortal - Movie!Utena, when she still cannot get over Touga. Perhaps could also fit either post-series Anthy or post-series Utena, if stuff doesn't go well for them.
There are other examples as well, but these are the most prominent...
Last edited by Gainel (05-17-2011 02:25:59 PM)
Gainel wrote:
I absolutely agree with you! I love them both too! The songs you chose were very appropriate.
Crystalline_Dream wrote:
Gainel wrote:
I absolutely agree with you! I love them both too! The songs you chose were very appropriate.
Thanks! That's very nice of you to say.
Two of my fav Utena AMVs were made with evanescence's songs, so the this band totally reminds me of Utena.
Another song that makes me thing of Utena is Breaking Bejamin's Breath.
With lines like "I see nothing in your eyes, and the more I see the less I like." and "I know that I can find the fire in your eyes." I can't help but think about Anthy's eyes.
A guy in my lit class said of a totally unrelated topic "It's going to revolutionize the world." Of course I smiled knowingly to myself afterward.
Speaking of songs, "Scars" by Basement Jaxx makes me think of Anthy hardcore. It would also make a fucking killer Utena AMV. Alas, I'm not capable of producing such things.
This is kinda old but Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII always reminds me of Utena. Their personalities are pretty much opposite but the pink hair, tomboyishness, ability to fight with swords, protective qualities, propensity to punch people who piss her off . . .
Offline <this is the opening of guardian angel getten, ive never seen the anime, but i have read vols. 2-4 of the raijin comics version. i actually just randomly came across this one day, and at :56.... utena xD
I went to my grandmother's house the other day, a few days after finishing watching Utena. A rose that my dad apparently planted in her yard a while ago had bloomed
I was just like....what does this mean. It was a red Touga rose.
I didn't think it was possible, but Lulu made me love him more.
Smash the world's shell. Smash it Lulu!
So the Facebook thing to FIND YOUR PATRONUS has the usual cumshot of 'hay can we do invasive things with your profile and internets?' before you take it. It's not a test, it just shoots a patronus out at you.
I have to wonder...does it do a very basic internet trawl? Because if it does, I think I know why it says mine's a phoenix.
I guess like most people said, anything to do with roses reminds me of Utena. The Safeway in Flagstaff often has roses that are a pale purple color and not to mention many orange, yellow, and red roses. I also get reminded of Kanae when I see white flowers like the ones in the episode where she was a Black Rose duelist.
When I was watching DBZ Kai fansubs in January I remember thinking that Future Trunks should be in SKU since he has a sword, weird super-powers, and probably a lot of suppressed angst that Akio could exploit since those cute cyborgs murdered off a good majority of the Earth's population in his timeline. I was also reminded of Utena when I watched the final episode of Sailor Moon where she gets a sword and does battle with Galaxia while flying. Plus she's naked later, so it's perfect for SKU. Now I think almost any anime character with a sword and problems will remind me of SKU.
Also, art class reminds my of the Utena movie.
There were green roses for sale in the floral department of the grocery store yesterday. My heart went thumpity-thump.
Yesterday I accidentally dropped my 3 minute hourglass, so I picked it up and set it back down on the dresser so that the sand was going down. I left my room and about half an hour later, I came back to get something and noticed that the sand on top was still halfway full. It turned out it had been clogged (shaking it a little fixed the problem) but it made me think of Tokiko's remark about an hourglass running slow.
Last edited by HonorableShadow (08-02-2011 12:56:58 PM)
On the way to my grandmother's house I saw a sticker on a car and it said "Stop bitching. Start a revolution." I don't know what the sticker meant because I couldn't see the small writing at the bottom.
"Stop bitching, start a revolution" is the slogan of Zendik, an art commune that some suggest might be a sex cult.
I once asked them if I could hitch a ride with them and live on their farm to run away from student loans. They apparently have many guns. I know quite a few cons have spent time chasing them off the premises for soliciting their t-shirts outside.
I, personally, think of Utena whenever I get naked. Mostly because of the rose crest tattoo I have on my shoulder. Even before then, though, if I wore a dress shirt open I would imagine myself as Touga or Akio, depending on whether or not the shirt were white or red. I'm pretty sure I buy red dress shirts out of some not-so-subconscious desire to be Akio.