This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)

#26 | Back to Top09-02-2011 08:37:34 PM

Davine Lu Linvega
Spam Arsonist
Registered: 06-08-2011
Posts: 88

Re: Anthy's magic

I think it's quite clearly consensual - Anthy goes to see Akio voluntarily, we never see her refuse him and while she lashes out at many people she never does so with her brother. But then, defining "consent" within an abusive relationship is a tricky thing. If someone is so psychologically beaten down that they're incapable of saying "no" to their partner, does that mean they consent to sex with them? Still, one of SKU's main themes is that the only thing keeping Anthy with Akio was her choice to remain with him.



#27 | Back to Top09-02-2011 08:57:52 PM

Mikage Mistruster
Registered: 05-05-2011
Posts: 66

Re: Anthy's magic

Davine Lu Linvega wrote:

I think it's quite clearly consensual - Anthy goes to see Akio voluntarily, we never see her refuse him and while she lashes out at many people she never does so with her brother. But then, defining "consent" within an abusive relationship is a tricky thing. If someone is so psychologically beaten down that they're incapable of saying "no" to their partner, does that mean they consent to sex with them? Still, one of SKU's main themes is that the only thing keeping Anthy with Akio was her choice to remain with him.

I just can't see it that way.

Anthy was bound to a certain extent to Akio's own powers/will. he often had her do other things against her will.

Whenever she "went to" him her demeanor was always pained and she often looked as though she'd been drugged or stupefied somehow. Just as Kanae was once. Before Utena broke the Rose Seal, Anthy was subject to Akio's every whim. Yet she still loved him, almost as if she had Stockholm Syndrome.. He was the only person she knew from the past, the only person (other than Utena, in her repressed memories) to know of her pain. And yet despite knowing how much she was suffering he did nothing to alleviate it, and used her body.. Used everybody, but Anthy was abused. That empty look in her eyes, when Utena walked in on them, was a look of despair - and I'm fairly sure there was a certain plea for help in her eyes too, however faint, because she basivally drew Utena over to them.. And the fear in her face when Akio called her over and the teacup broke because she hesitated and he yanked her over.. Never the body language of consent.

I'm disturbed when people find their "relationship" sexy.. I think any survivor of rape or sexual abuse can see their abuser in Akio all too easily (I know I can). He makes my skin crawl. Akio is the ultimate villain because his deeds are evil but his personality is many shades of grey - he can be charming or altruistic if he wants to be, in order to get something, and seems like a very nice person until one sees beneath the surface to the heart that commits such evil below it..

I respect other opinions but I can never see what happens between them as consensual in any way.



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