This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)

#1 | Back to Top11-02-2011 01:50:40 PM

Mikage Mistruster
Registered: 05-05-2011
Posts: 66

Has anyone heard of this before?

I was listening to Missing Link, that song pulls at my heartstrings like no other. Anyways.. I decided to google a phrase from the lyrics, to see what might come up; "I did not ask to be born, but I was born all the same".. [Chuang Tzu is quoted as having said this, but I can't find any verse in the same words, and this book translates them in almost exactly the same way that JA Seazer's song does..]

It's mentioned in this obscure but interesting book from 1978, quoting a supposed "living Buddha"; the book is available online and called "Voyages to Hell", that basically says the same this as the lyrics of Missing Link:

"Buddha Tse Kong:  In a man’s life, his birth into this world, and his death, are two most important events. He cannot escape them, which made Chuang Tzu say: “I did not desire to be born into this world, but I was born all the same. I hate to die, but I shall die anyway, when my destiny wants me to.” Through aware of the fact that man can control neither birth nor death, we should not believe that he is devoid of means for mastering life and death. Every problem arises from his ignorance of where he originated, and where he will go after death. Frightened and anxious in his perplexity, he refers every incident of his life to the power of the King of Hell who he thinks will determine his destiny. Thence, this saying: “If the King of Hell wants you to die at midnight, it is impossible for you to live till next morning.” We are now living in a period of salvation. If only men understand the truth and follow the way of the Tao, and make efforts to regenerate, they will overcome death and eliminate reincarnation. Men should cherish their bodies and life on earth. It is not too late for them to awaken and lead a life of spiritual perfection. Say, Yang Ts’ien, be ready for our trip."

wikipedia page about it:

"According the authors, the production of these accounts were painstakingly achieved, very tiring, and time consuming using planchette board (Fuji in Chinese Culture) with Ji Gong as the guide and Yangsheng (Yang Chan-ru/Sheng-luen) (楊贊儒/聖輪法師) as the medium.[3] The details and conversations of each Journey were written in Chinese characters on the planchette board during each Fuji session held in Sheng Xian Tang – the words were read aloud and recorded on paper for compilation – a very tedious and time-consuming process. The visits were generally made at night time.

The original version was published in Chinese.[4] Collection of information to write this book started in 1976 at the Temple of the Sages in Tai Chu (Taiwan), as in the book it stated that the Jade Emperor was issued on the 15th day, 8th month in Chinese calendar (8th Sep, 1976) with the express intention of helping and saving human beings. The project was completed and published in 1978."

I thought it was kind of interesting, anyway



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