This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)

#26 | Back to Top02-28-2007 03:26:57 AM

Touga Topper
From: Brighton
Registered: 01-01-2007
Posts: 53

Re: What is your main anime source?

Probably for most of the manga I buy, and eBay for trying to grab DVDs on the cheap. *huggles her paypal account*

Not many series get released over here in region 2 (or at least in region 2 I can afford to buy... Japanese DVDs are usually way to expensive for me to justify buying with a few exceptions, like when I bought Yaji and Kita XD) but it's getting a lot better recently. I've got all of Rumbling Hearts preordered, because I am that sad and it was one of the first series I saw on fansubs and it had quite a massive effect on me. emot-redface

That, and generally gacking stuff off of my friends. emot-biggrin



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