This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)

#1 | Back to Top12-22-2015 12:29:45 AM

Registered: 03-23-2013
Posts: 387

I want to start a pencil and paper Sailor Moon RPG campaign

It'll feature drama, strife, a deeper exposition of the sailor scouts' past lives, and uncomfortably deep exploration of what it really means to be a magical girl.

Preliminary ground rules: There won't be a game unless there are at least 4 players. One person has to be Usagi, for obvious reasons, and nobody can be Saturn, because she has a "rocks fall, everybody dies" stick. The system will be a modified GURPS, where everyone has 10x hp because baseline GURPS would have everybody dying with one or two hits.

This game will be played over IRC, and rolls will be done by running scripts on my computer.

If enough people can commit to weekly sessions of 2-3 hours, maybe on Sundays, then the first game will probably be mid-January, with character creation ongoing until launch.

Last edited by zevrem (12-22-2015 12:30:03 AM)

The real purpose of elections is to make the people hate each other more than they hate their government.



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