This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)

#1 | Back to Top02-10-2012 02:05:19 PM

Overlord Morgus
Registered: 02-22-2011
Posts: 314

The purpose of Ohtori Academy is to cloister Anthy...

That's why the duels exist to victimize the Seitokai, they're the characters with the most potential for disruption. That's also why she promotes Akio, because his priorities naturally align very closely with hers. Akio at one point even states outright that a large part of the duels is to get revenge on the world for putting Anthy into her state. The fact that the "revolution" entails Anthy losing her fear of the world is probably the biggest piece of evidence in favor of this.

Last edited by Overlord Morgus (02-10-2012 03:58:32 PM)



#2 | Back to Top02-11-2012 04:01:18 PM

World's End
From: Cloud Nine
Registered: 09-22-2008
Posts: 2354

Re: The purpose of Ohtori Academy is to cloister Anthy...

I disagree. Anthy could leave any time she wanted to and I think the only reason she stayed was either to make sure no other girl stole Dios once Akio hypthetically awakened him or because she felt guilty for sealing him away.  I do like the idea of the council as her temporary prison jailers, though.

Proud Saionji and Mikage fangirl
My Utena fanfiction:



#3 | Back to Top02-11-2012 04:05:42 PM

Overlord Morgus
Registered: 02-22-2011
Posts: 314

Re: The purpose of Ohtori Academy is to cloister Anthy...

I mean she uses the academy to hide herself, it's not her prison so much as her shelter. Of course, one can become the other, but still.

Everything that happens exists to maintain the shelter she's built up around herself, and that includes suppressing those individuals who threaten to disrupt her shelter.



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