This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)

#1 | Back to Top04-16-2007 02:53:48 PM

Saionji Slapper
Registered: 04-14-2007
Posts: 25

War question

Let's say you went to war with an evil dictator. If you capture said evil dictator and turn him over to the people he was oppressing, who then try and hang him for his crimes against them, could you say you won the war?



#2 | Back to Top04-16-2007 03:18:30 PM

Ends of the Fandom
From: Edmonton, AB
Registered: 10-12-2006
Posts: 8797

Re: War question

Too bad Dick Cheney doesn't have an account on here. (OR DOES HE?? emot-aaa)

I would Unless your explicit goal was to kill the dictator and not, say, conquer the country, or stabilize the region, or get your hands on some sweet sweet crude, you didn't win the war by knocking out the king piece. War is not chess, and the pawns can cause twice as much trouble without their king.

Akio, you have nice turns of phrase, but your points aren't clear and you have no textual support. I can't give this a passing grade.
~ Professor Arisa Konno, Eng 1001 (Freshman Literature and Composition)



#3 | Back to Top04-16-2007 03:37:02 PM

Saionji Slapper
Registered: 04-14-2007
Posts: 25

Re: War question

(For the record, I call myself "Liberally Consevative". My voitng tends to lean right, but I look at issues more than party labels)

That's a very interesting analogy there. It helped me visualize the point you were making about how a leaderless army isn't necessarily a defeated army.

Are there any other views?



#4 | Back to Top04-16-2007 03:53:57 PM

Hentai Hero!!!
From: Somewhere and Nowhere
Registered: 10-20-2006
Posts: 4090

Re: War question

why would it be us declairing ourselves the winner? he started problems in his own country, which leaves the problem to THEM not US. i think its a little wrong that the US steps into the business of other countries. i suppose some cases it could be good but the US government just seems to want to make evry other country just like us, Democratic. (i dont believe we are democratic anyway, the ancient romans would cut their wrists before they had a government like what we currently have.)

In my mind this is what causes people to believe Americans are as terrible as some countries say (not to mention how gluttonous and sex crazed we are)

in short. Not our problem, Not our win.



#5 | Back to Top04-16-2007 03:54:00 PM

Atlantean Singer
From: Vancouver, B.C.
Registered: 03-26-2007
Posts: 570

Re: War question

OK, here's another analogy:
If a hypothetical country with greatly superior military strength invaded the US, and had GWB executed for war crimes, would they have then "won" ?
Bear in mind that many Americans would quite like to see GWB on the end of a rope. But after that, they would politely tell the invaders to GFTO, and take steps to make the occupation as expensive and painful as possible.

We're here, we're queer, we don't want any more bears!
Honorary Hat Mafia Member
Now Playing: Bear Supply - "I Maul Out Of Love"



#6 | Back to Top04-16-2007 04:39:16 PM

The Notable Death Mantis
From: Soviet Ohiostan
Registered: 10-23-2006
Posts: 1335

Re: War question

Hello there, thinly vieled political discussion.

From an entirely objective standpoint, it depends on if that's what they were in there to do. If the reason they invaded the country was to kill the dictator than of course they won. If they came there to bring peace and democracy to the area or land-grab and they haven't sucessfully done that yet then no.

And the problem with America is that so many people are scared shitlless of ANUTHER 9/11 HURR HURR that as long as the invading nation had really good PR and was willing to better convince us that this was for our own good than the Bush Administration's PR machine we'd probably storm the Whitehouse, deliver Bush into the enemy's hands ourselves and smile gleefully while the enemy paves over the whole country and turns it into a giant Wal*Mart

Hinotori made this post, and then went back and changed it later. Such is life.



#7 | Back to Top04-16-2007 07:00:25 PM

Yaoi Pet #1
From: Sacramento, CA
Registered: 10-22-2006
Posts: 8858

Re: War question

Being the strict pacifist that I am, I'm inclined to think that when war is involved, everybody loses. But putting that aside, I pretty much have to echo what everyone else has said in response. Killing one evil dictator doesn't really do much. In the end he's only one man and if you're not careful then someone else will just step up to replace him and if they do it right, they'll have the support of the people even as they run the country into the ground (Peron anyone?).

Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source.



#8 | Back to Top04-16-2007 07:51:00 PM

Yaoi Pet #2
From: Virginia the Great
Registered: 11-07-2006
Posts: 1615

Re: War question

See depending on the country, well just conquering in general: I would over throw their power of oppression and win the hearts of the people. I would still keep the dictator alive and imprison them for life. And then I would rule the country for all eternity with an iron fist of love (of course).


sometimes you make me feel
like I’m living at the edge of the world
"it's just the way I smile"
you said



#9 | Back to Top04-16-2007 08:11:34 PM

Faceless Master
From: Yuma, Arizona (USA)
Registered: 11-26-2006
Posts: 8282

Re: War question

Sevelle, for a second there you sounded just like Zim.

"I shall rule you ALL with my iron fist! YOU! OBEY THE FIST!" (shakes a scrawny fist in some fifth-grader's direction)

Sorry about the humourous aside, people. But humour makes us feel good, just like drugs.

Roses have thorns to stop those who would dare deny their right to live.
Razara's Postulate: For every lover of lesbians out there, there is an equal and opposite attraction to Dippin' Dots.



#10 | Back to Top04-16-2007 08:12:53 PM

Yaoi Pet #2
From: Virginia the Great
Registered: 11-07-2006
Posts: 1615

Re: War question

I love humor!

Now worm baby, obey my iron fists!!!

sometimes you make me feel
like I’m living at the edge of the world
"it's just the way I smile"
you said



#11 | Back to Top04-16-2007 09:15:46 PM

no, definitely no cons
From: New Orleans, Louisiana
Registered: 10-16-2006
Posts: 10328

Re: War question

Hinotori wrote:

From an entirely objective standpoint, it depends on if that's what they were in there to do. If the reason they invaded the country was to kill the dictator than of course they won. If they came there to bring peace and democracy to the area or land-grab and they haven't sucessfully done that yet then no.

Well said.  I'm not sure how to address this question except for echoing this important point.  Did we succeed?  Depends: what were we trying to do?

Which is of course a problem if the question is supposed to apply to Iraq, because no one seems to be entirely sure what we were trying to do there.  Here are a few reasons that have been floated around.

* Depose Saddam Hussein, an evil man who should not be allowed to hold power.  SUCCESS!

* Remove the Ba'ath party and re-enfranchise Shi'a Muslims.  SUCCESS!

* Bring democracy to Iraq.  SUCCESS, FOR NOW!

* Seize Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction.  WE ARE DUMBASSES!

* Make Iraq safer.  FAILURE!

* Make America safer.  FAILURE!

* Make the world safer.  FAILURE!

* Bring peace to the Middle East.  FAILURE!

* Win the hearts and minds of oppressed peoples worldwide.  FAILURE!

* Get cheap crude oil from the Middle East.  FAILURE!

* Punish Al-Qaeda for 9/11.  WHAT THE CRAP?

* Cripple international terrorism.  OSAMA THANKS ALLAH FOR THE WAR EVERY NIGHT!

* Establish a permanent ally in the Middle East that is not Israel.  TIME WILL TELL.

So by most metrics, we've lost, or at least we're losing.  But someone who says we've won in Iraq isn't wrong; his victory conditions are just different from mine.  Better than arguing about whether to call it "victory" or "defeat" is agreeing that there are problems left to be solved in Iraq, and then figuring out how best to solve them.

Last edited by satyreyes (04-16-2007 09:17:14 PM)



#12 | Back to Top04-16-2007 09:53:12 PM

Cow Bellhop
From: Mazatlan
Registered: 10-18-2006
Posts: 447

Re: War question

You want to know what I think... you really want to know what I think?... ok actually I don't really care if you want or not and I will probably hurt some of you with my comments to the matter... but I will still speak.

If the country in question is not a direct thread to your goverment... why bother? Let them rule and make mistakes by themselves, invasion will make it worse as it will cripple down the economy and the capacity to fix things, also it could really extend making it worse for the country invaded and for the invader.

If the country is really a threat to yours... attack if you must, but quit all the bullshit... you are not doing it for the well being of the the whole world, you don't really want to bring peace and democracy to the other country (also not all countries are made for it or are ready...) you are doing it for yourself... don't try to sugarcoat your reasons as the only result you will get is to people think you are an hipocrite and your followers are stupid.

that's all the moment.t

Last edited by Romanticide (04-16-2007 09:54:19 PM)



#13 | Back to Top04-22-2007 02:11:09 AM

Everyone's Best Friend
From: United States
Registered: 11-16-2006
Posts: 1269

Re: War question

Hmm... well I agree to a point. I think the leaders in the American government are going to war for selfish reasons and sugarcoating it to the American public...

I like the South Park episode, where Cartman flashes back to 1776, to find out what the founding fathers would have to say about the current war on Iraq. Would they be for the protestors, or the supporters? Back in 1776, they are fighting about the same issue (war) whether to go to war with England or not. Then Benjamin Franklin steps in and says, "We can't found a country that seems like we're warmongers and blood-thirsty, but at the same time, we can't appear weak and willing to be stepped on - so how about we create a country that appears to do BOTH. It's called, having your cake, and eating it to!" Flash forward back to South Park, and Cartman gives the speech which says, "You war supporters need the caring soul of the protesters because they make America look like it's filled with kind, compassionate individuals and the world hates only the President instead of the American people, and you protestors need the flexing arm of the war supporters, because if America were filled with just pussy hippie protestors, it would be taken over within a week! We need each other, it's called: Having your cake, and eating it too!" The show made a parody about what's really the building block of America, is the individual voices.

So, yes, while the American government is the group of power-hungry individuals that lead the country, and they are motivated out of greed and self-interest, the actual PEOPLE who fight in the wars are not. My relative was a soldier, a Marine who went to Iraq and died in Afghanistan. I spoke with him, and his entire platoon during the funeral, afterwards meeting/touring his entire home-base and what they had been spoon-fed from the upper room was that they were doing a good thing. They were helping the poor, underprivileged people, and fighting the evil regime off of the poor downtrodden people of that country. My cousin, the Marine, and several of his friends, met children from the country they were stationed in, without shoes - and would buy shoes for the children and pass them out. Our soldiers believe that they are "protecting" America, and helping other people at the same time. So, those little people serving in the military are part of this big war machine - they are the legs on which the table stands and without them, we would not have the ability to attack, or defend, or whatever the fuck they are doing. My point is, those people, those soldiers, ARE doing what they have been told is a good deed, for America, and for the world. Yes, the government lies to get what they want, when they want it, how they want it, and for different reasons than they pass down to the little people. But still, those hearts of the soldiers are in the right place. (not the freakish ones that go off and do something destructive, the average soldier)

Just remember that the things you put into your head are there forever, he said. You might want to think about that. / You forget some things, don't you? / Yes. You forget what you want to remember and you remember what you want to forget.

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#14 | Back to Top04-22-2007 05:46:00 PM

The Icon Icon
From: Northern Michigan
Registered: 02-05-2007
Posts: 3972

Re: War question

satyreyes wrote:

* Depose Saddam Hussein, an evil man who should not be allowed to hold power.  SUCCESS!

This is not, necessarily, a success.

True, Saddam Hussein was a terrible, horrible man. He did terrible things to a lot of people, and yes, he should go to hell.

HOWEVER. By killing those few people, he scared ALL types of Muslims, the Shi'a and the Sunis and all the other people into living in peace, even if it was with a lot of tension and fear for their lives. That, in turn, actually SAVED more lives than if he didn't use the power of fear. The way things are now are worse because he's dead. People now think "HAY. Saddam's dead. Who's going to stop us now if we're in the middle of a civil war?" as they send out little kids with hand grenades.

What we did to the Iraqi people by taking away the only person willing and able to lead them was a very, very great disservice, because now there are hundreds of thousands of people being slaughtered over there because that fear element wasn't there to keep the war at bay. Sure, it may have erupted sooner or later, but by then, there would have been a new dictator who was also willing and able to do what it took to keep peace in that country.

So in my opinion, killing Saddam Hussein = FAILURE.



#15 | Back to Top04-22-2007 06:22:58 PM

God of Comedy
From: Minami Goushuu
Registered: 10-17-2006
Posts: 14280

Re: War question

From what I recall from hearing about the war over the years, the main reason Bush gave for invading Iraq was because he claimed it had Weapons of Mass Distruction and that if they didn't go in, Iraq would use them.  At the time, the idea that they should invade Iraq on humanitarian grounds was ignored because if they used that reason, then they should invade other countries with dictatorships for the same reason.

It was only after they fail to find these WMD that Bush started to use the humanitarian arguement for the war.

I think the biggest irony about the war was that the armies of the Coalition of the Willing (USA, Australia and England (mostly)) was in less danger from being killed during the invasion than when they 'won' the war.  That's because as long as the Coalition of the Willing was in 'war mode' its a damn jugganaught but in 'peace-keeping mode' terrorism tactics prove to be effective as the body count proves.

If any country considers invading the US, they would not use armys or navys or even air forces as they would get slaughtered and they know that their country would most likely get carpet-bombed from a distance back into the stone age, they would instead take up al-Qaeda's tactics and pick at the US with loads of soft target attacks while making sure the US doesn't find out that their country is involved



#16 | Back to Top04-22-2007 11:29:32 PM

The Notable Death Mantis
From: Soviet Ohiostan
Registered: 10-23-2006
Posts: 1335

Re: War question

Lady Nilamarthiel wrote:

satyreyes wrote:

* Depose Saddam Hussein, an evil man who should not be allowed to hold power.  SUCCESS!

This is not, necessarily, a success.

True, Saddam Hussein was a terrible, horrible man. He did terrible things to a lot of people, and yes, he should go to hell.

HOWEVER. By killing those few people, he scared ALL types of Muslims, the Shi'a and the Sunis and all the other people into living in peace, even if it was with a lot of tension and fear for their lives. That, in turn, actually SAVED more lives than if he didn't use the power of fear. The way things are now are worse because he's dead. People now think "HAY. Saddam's dead. Who's going to stop us now if we're in the middle of a civil war?" as they send out little kids with hand grenades.

What we did to the Iraqi people by taking away the only person willing and able to lead them was a very, very great disservice, because now there are hundreds of thousands of people being slaughtered over there because that fear element wasn't there to keep the war at bay. Sure, it may have erupted sooner or later, but by then, there would have been a new dictator who was also willing and able to do what it took to keep peace in that country.

So in my opinion, killing Saddam Hussein = FAILURE.

Regardless of what anyone thinks of Saddam and what he did and how this affected Iraq the fact that he was dictator and he's not anymore, and will never be able to become dictator again because he's dead now is 100% true. Once you get into the whole "how it affected the country" thing everything starts to get hairy. What I was kind of trying to do back there is break down a nasty situation into boring metrics and remove some of the angry politicalness from the whole thing. Unfortunately war is politics and not C&C: Generals so it's hard to say "o u sunk my battleship i lose the war"

If you ask any ten people what our original objectives were when we went into this war you'll get ten different answers. While it's possible that Bush honestly thought Saddam needed to be out of power in order to create peace in the Middle East and that's why he went after him and therefore didn't achieve his objective, it's also (sadly) possible that Bush was just butthurt over how Saddam made his daddy look 15 years ago and wanted to play revenge. In that case he pretty much did what he wanted to do in Iraq and he should give himself a big old pat on the back and maybe wrap this up and make an honest attempt to bring the troops home.

Hinotori made this post, and then went back and changed it later. Such is life.



#17 | Back to Top04-22-2007 11:30:52 PM

From: Oakland, CA
Registered: 02-19-2007
Posts: 150

Re: War question

Personally, no.  As someone who would want to bring peace to an oppressed country, I don't think it'd be a good start to murder someone.  To me that shows I am no better than the convicted.  But as you know, some countries enter a war for more personal reasons, so I don't think a peaceful victory is their ultimate goal.  Would it be a victory if we killed said dictator? Yes, but not a great one.

Last edited by Drukqs (04-22-2007 11:31:04 PM)

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