This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)

#1 | Back to Top08-26-2009 02:41:48 PM

Precious One
From: Boston metro area
Registered: 11-02-2006
Posts: 289

Some original fiction

Hi, all,

I've started writing a piece of serial fiction called Wonder City Stories, inspired by Armisted Maupin's Tales of the City and Kurt Busiek's Astro City, featuring people with superhuman powers attempting to live their lives in Wonder City.  I've got an array of queer and straight characters and complicated histories and potential relationships, and I hope to work in some more bizarre twists in there that will reflect manga as well as American comics.

You can find Wonder City Stories here:

The story is up to installment #24, and I hope to keep on a rough schedule of posting about once a week.  If you like it, please do point your friends to it.  At some point, when I have that imaginary commodity known as "free time," I hope to put together a website that's a bit more like a webcomic site (background, character lists, etc).  Also, of course, feedback is the food of the author, so comments are always welcome (I believe I've enabled anonymous commenting, so if you don't have a Dreamwidth account, it shouldn't be a problem).




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